Plastic needs an end of life solution.
“fighting to make plastics break down is not just a reckoning with our past, but an investment in our future, one born of moral obligation.”
— Umair Irfan. May 15 2019
79% of all plastic waste ends up in landfill
The figures are scary.
Recycling helps.
1 in 200 plastic bags is recycled.
8.3 billion tonnes of plastic produced in the last 50 years, 9% has been recycled.
Until a ban in 2017, China imported 72% of Global traded plastic waste.
Plastic production.
By 2050 900m tonnes of plastic will be produced every year.
8.3 billion tonnes of plastic produced in the last 50 years. Virtually all of this still exists in some form.
Plastic packaging.
160 000 plastic bags used every second.
1 000 000 plastic bottles are purchased every minute.
40% of all plastic produced, is single use.
Single use plastics.
40% of all plastic produced, is single use.
5 trillion plastic bags used every year.
8m tonnes of plastic waste ends up in our oceans, every year.
There is a solution and it’s genius.
Now, due to innovative scientific research, there exists, a remarkable solution to the Global plastic waste crisis. A crisis that is destroying our land, rivers and oceans.
BDP is the solution.
A reliable, effective and qualified solution, that is both remarkable and inexpensive.